
Google Panda 4.0

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    Google Panda 4.0

    It is official. Google has finally launched its much anticipated update of Panda. The latest 4.0 version promises to take the search engine optimization credentials to an altogether new level from its earlier versions.

    The panda algorithm is designed to help boost up the rankings of quality content websites as compared to the low quality content sites.

    It came into business in February 2011 and created an upheaval with its arrival in the SEO market. Much has been said about Google’s treatment or rather nonexistent treatment of dealing with keyword stuffed but poor quality websites who top the rankings as compared to their better and relevant counterparts.

    Google brought about Panda in response to much harsh criticism and help the search engines identify the quality web pages from poor ones.

    With Panda 4.0, it is being anticipated that not only can this algorithm be used to improve website rakings but also can be used to bring in much needed web traffic too.

    SEO professional all round the world will now be able to evaluate the changes that bring their or their competitors websites rankings up or down.

    And to all those who think the name Panda came up because of the animal, well its named after the Google’s engineer Navneet Panda!



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