

  • Increase company value by investing in people


    What has always been the first tactic you use to grab customer's eyes? Paid Advertisement. Ads have always been the top means in business growth and development although they are losing their charm. In today's world, Ads have gotten so annoying that more than 615 million devices now have ad blockers on them. So what's the point of advertising when it isn't reaching the targeted audience? How to move this boulder?

    Well the solution of this problem lies within content marketing.

    What is Content Marketing?

    The Content Marketing Institute defines Content Marketing thusly:

    "Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action."

    In layman's language, it means putting up a detailed description of your product enlisting it's features and uniqueness that'd make customers buy your product. The most common means of Content Marketing are blogs, articles, etc. It is a long-term tactic that is used to turn prospect into valuable customer. It also solidifies your customer's trust.

    The 2018 B2B content marketing statistics from the Content Marketing Institute (CMI) show that 91% of B2B marketers use content marketing to reach customers.

    Need of Content Marketing

    Before going into the needs of content marketing, let's look at the steps people follow in order to buy something.

    1) Need and Awareness of Solution

    A customer first realize their need of a product although they're not aware if a solution for their need exists or not.

    2) Research for the Potential Solutions

    After they realize that there are more than a few solutions to choose from, they surf the internet for the best solution, one that will fit all of their needs, in their budget. After tis they shortlist the best solutions from all over the internet.

    3) Consideration and Comparison

    Now from their shortlisted solutions, customers compare every feature to see where they can get the best product in the most reasonable price.

    4) Buying the Product

    Lastly the customer makes up their mind and go through with the purchase.

    Whereas the old school advertising methods are advantageous at the last two stages, Content Marketing makes its mark in the first two stages by raising awareness of an issue customers didn't know they have. After doing so it presents the solution that no other brand can replicate. This way consumers are educated about products they never even considered purchasing before.

    The best thing about Content Marketing is that it gives a lot of space for innovation and imagination. The level of creativity that can be attained by content marketing is far superior to that of traditional advertising methods. Most of the top companies in the world already make use of content marketing. Even start-ups are using this technique to make their way to the top.

    How To Begin?

    You always have the option of doing it yourself. But if you're too busy to do it yourself or aren't ready to manage it in-house, then your best option is outsourcing it to a firm such as ours. Our Digital Marketing Company is up to date with the latest trends, formats and means to present the best content. We do a thorough research on your specific field to know about your rival companies and what means they are using. By doing so we graft the best and most polished content for your website.

    Content Marketing is a means by which:

  • You get great returns at fractions of cost
  • Customer demands increase Exponentially
  • Your business becomes visible to a much wider audience
  • The Customer's trust gets stronger which leads to more lead generation
  • You crystalize your brand name and present it as a valuable resource

  • There isn't one business that won't benefit from content marketing. There sure is a huge competition among brands but our IT Consulting Company helps you cross every hurdle, so that you come out on top.



Xpecto® IT Solutions is a product cum service based company and considers itself a pioneer amongst the Website Development, Mobile App Development, CRM & ERP Development, Digital Marketing, Server Management & Maintenance sector in India. Our outsourcing services work as a balm to our of shore clients throbbing foreheads thus creasing out any discrepancies they might be facing in conducting their businesses. You can find them at or follow them on twitter or facebook.