
A curated list of top 5 digital marketing trends of 2017

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    A curated list of top 5 digital marketing trends of 2017

    Every year, digital marketing professionals brain storm the expected trends that will dominate, and influence their marketing efforts. Some of the speculated trends never actually take off while some dominate their entire marketing activities. Let us cover what might occupy the limelight this year.

    Every year, digital marketing professionals brain storm the expected trends that will dominate, and influence their marketing efforts. Some of the speculated trends never actually take off while some dominate their entire marketing activities. Let us cover what might occupy the limelight this year

    Artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data

    Machine learning and big data are already making their strategic rounds in digital marketing landscape. Ever wondered how Facebook shows more news feeds from those pages that you are mostly interested than those you aren’t? It’s machine learning at work. Google analytics, some of the automated web development methods, advanced profiling algorithms are all part of a AI,machine learning and big data ecosystem. This year, experts say, the entire ecosystem is going to get more important and influential.

    Mobile SEO

    Mobile SEO, despite what some critics say, is absolutely going to be the game changer this year. Businesses are already showing their increased interest in migrating most of their digital marketing efforts towards mobile audiences. Since the number of hand-held devices and smartphones are going to make a surge this year, there is little doubt the mobile SEO; short for search engine optimization; absolutely steal a lot of attention and limelight this year.

    Influencer marketing

    The idea to promote a product by the people who can best do it socially and culturally is a long-drawn theory. But it is going to get an entirely different approach this year, to believe the experts. Influencer marketing has been active in digital marketing landscape for quite some time now; but given its benefits, reach and yields; more and more businesses are expected to jump onto the bandwagon to pinpoint not just subject matter expert of a topic but social influencer of the topic to multiply the possibility of gaining more grounds and catching on new markets.

    Local SEO

    Local SEO has been put on high esteem by Google. Businesses now understand that not just promoting localized content brings them more traffic but migrating the promotional activities towards local traffic is actually far more beneficial realistically. This year, we should expect to see more localized content and guide and ideas regarding the promotion of a brand locally rather than nationally or even internationally.

    Breaking the boring content cycle

    Articles, press releases, blogs are all passe. Expect a whirlwind of wonderful content this year. Info graphics and pinpointed audience oriented content are going to go viral this year. The key to get popular is to attract more customers socially through emotional content.



    Xpecto® IT Solutions is a product cum service based company and considers itself a pioneer amongst the web design & development, internet marketing and web hosting sector in India. Our outsourcing services work as a balm to our of shore clients throbbing foreheads thus creasing out any discrepancies they might be facing in conducting their businesses. You can find them at or follow them on twitter or facebook.