
5 Tips on How Social Data Can Complement Marketing Data

  • Increase company value by investing in people

    5 Tips on How Social Data Can Complement Marketing Data

    Social media is a throbbing pool of user data covering every possible category that is required by the businessmen for their marketing surveys. As a matter of fact, this abundance of information can really enhance the marketing data and support it in zillions of ways.

    Here are 5 tips on how social data can be used effectively to enhance marketing data for better results

    Use social data to support ad selling

    Online publishers who sell ad space to marketers can present better reports for user engagement preferences, habits, exact details based upon their social profiles and activities.

    Use social data to test messaging

    Social media can be used to send several messages to the targeted audiences and measure their response for every message posted. Poll questions, a/b tests and direct questions via tweets, FB posts, LinkedIn messages can be used

    Use social data to improve TV ratings

    Get an insight into types of audience engaged and their type of engagements to boost ratings!

    Use social data to test creative ad campaigns

    Before big brands spend on expensive ad campaigns, social media can be used to gauge the audience response.

    Use social media trends to research keywords

    Social media awards immediate feedback based on twitter trends, hash tag research tools etc.



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