
Why Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is important even for SMEs!


    Why Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is important even for SMEs

    Who are the most important assets of a business? Customers, right? So, it becomes crucial to manage the interactions and involvement you have with them. This is for what CRM stands for.

    What is CRM?

    CRM, Customer Relationship Management, is a technique or strategy which manages each and every involvement of your company with your customers and potential customers. Managing all the relations and interactions enables you to strengthen your bond with the customers and thus in-turn improve profitability. CRM is such a versatile technique that it can be utilized from sales and marketing tools to HR customer Help and supply-chain management.

    Benefits of using CRM

    A business is considered to be running smoothly when everything is organized, structured and managed. Not only CRM gives you this advantage, but also it keeps everything related to customer relationship, metrics, data, notes, etc., at a single place and makes it accessible throughout the system. CRM focuses on customer’s activity and set scores and alerts based on that data. It also enables your company to target a wider range of audiences.

    Some of the key-benefits are listed below:

    1. Authentic Reporting

    While running a business, even SMEs, you have to deal with tracking a lot of data. That data is the most valuable part to determine what interests your customers the most and what exactly is drawing more traffic to your website. But the raw data that comes in is so unorganized that its not of use in that state. What CRM does is that it not only perfectly organizes your data, but also it helps you gain the best and most important information out of that data and metrics. It helps you get a better understanding of the sale of your product.

    2. Graphical Representation Of The Data

    Most of the times just keeping a clean record of your data can prove to be insufficient in order of knowing the preferences, etc of your viewers and customers. What you need at that point is a Graphical representation of your data. Exact representations of the tabulated data in pictorial form to get a much better understanding and to find out the key strategies that could be used to improve your sales. CRM helps you with this cause. It helps you set up a Dashboard that visually showcase your data graphically.

    3. Customized Outreach

    It natural for you gather your data from various types of audience markets and industries when you run a business. Putting people with similar likes together, into separate drip campaigns, can ease up your stress and may actually boost up your sales via right implementation. CRM provides you with Dynamic Content and Automated Messaging which helps you to have a direct conversation with only specific types of audience that are triggered by specific actions.

    4. Eased Collaborations

    CRM holds a record of all the information, conversations, interactions, notes, contact information, etc. in a cloud based system, hence it’s always up-to-date. There are some built-in collaboration tools in CRM platforms that enables many people to work simultaneously on a single file. This can help in providing a better customer service.

    How Can CRM Increase The Productivity And Profitability OF Your Business

    As stated above, CRM can be a very useful tool in benefiting your business.

    1. CRM can ameliorate your sales efficiency by prioritizing the customers who have the maximum probability of conversion. Doing this will boost up your sales effectually.

    2. Having a neatly organized set of data can allow you to reach out for the opportunities in your already existing contacts and it will prevent you to waste your time in dead-end leads and cold calling.

    3. One of the most important asset of CRM is that it will Increase the employee productivity drastically. Individuals who take full advantage of CRM always turn out to be the highest performing ones.

    Every customer looks for a place with better customer service or guidance. A huge percentage of customers would even pay to get a better customer service. CRM allows you to provide a much better customer guidance without any extra cost. This also builds a strong customer trust.

    How Xpecto Can Help Your Business

    When you start utilizing CRM, there’s no going back. When you actually get aware of the advantages of CRM, you’ll realize the need of it in your business. Xpecto looks into your needs and devise plans particularly based on what’s best for your company.

    Our experts have the skills that are needed to program solutions that will fit into your business like a missing puzzle piece.

  • Understand Your Business And Current Problems
  • Firstly, we examine how you’re business works. We evaluate your inputs, your expected outputs, your actual outputs, your profits and losses, the way sales are going on, every technique that you may be utilizing. After going through everything, we focus on the problems you’re facing and the problems you might face if the things continue the way they are going. Doing this narrows down the list of potential solutions we can offer.

  • Analyze And Propose Solutions
  • After narrowing down the potential solutions, we ask you about your needs and preferences. Every type of company have individual and selective preferences. It’s always up to you on how you want the flow of your business.

    Then we further narrow the solution list to only the options selected by you. Now we present you the solutions with the maximum probability of increasing the success rate of your business. Now we leave the decision up to you on what you think is the best for your company.

  • Develop The Customized Solutions As Per Your Business Needs
  • Now all that’s left is to generate the solution chosen by you. You can be rest-assured that you are leaving this in the right hands. We have years of experiencing at providing IT solutions. Our CRM Development Company will give you better than expected results.

    We are an IT Consultant Company that aims at fulfilling every customer needs. We make your needs our top priority and offer the best results.

  • Releasing Beta And Acceptance
  • Ones we finish developing your customized solution, we release the beta version and ask for your acceptance. You can check it thoroughly for any bugs that you may find and as soon as we get your acceptance, the solution goes live.

  • Maintenance And Enhancement As Per Future Needs
  • Our relation with you doesn’t just end after providing you with the solution. We stick around for any help that we may provide. We also provide maintenance and enhancement whenever you may require it in future.


    We provide below mentioned solutions:

    1. CRM Development

    2. Custom CRM Development

    3. SAAS Based CRM Development

    4. Cloud Based CRM Development

    5. API Development & Integration

    6. Open Source CRM Development

    7. Vtiger CRM Installation, Development, Interation, Customization

    8. SugarCRM Installation, Development, Interation, Customization

    9. Mobile App Development - Android & iOS

    10. CRM Maintenance, Support, Enhancement



Xpecto® IT Solutions is a product cum service based company and considers itself a pioneer amongst the web design & development, internet marketing and web hosting sector in India. Our outsourcing services work as a balm to our of shore clients throbbing foreheads thus creasing out any discrepancies they might be facing in conducting their businesses. You can find them at or follow them on twitter or facebook.